Media Capture

Client grants Cabin House the right to capture the Photo Shoot in photos, audio, and video and to use the resulting captures in connection with Company’s marketing, promotions, and portfolio. Client agrees Cabin House will have the perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide right and license to reproduce, display, perform, distribute, and create derivative works of the captures in all formats and media in connection with Cabin House’s marketing, promotions, and portfolio. Any such use will be subject to Cabin House obtaining necessary rights and releases from those appearing in the captures.

Media Share

Client grants Cabin House the perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty-free right and license to reproduce, display, perform, and distribute the photographs and audio and video recordings that Client creates or owns from the Photo Shoot and delivers to Cabin House for this purpose, or that Client displays, performs, or shares publicly. Cabin House may only exercise the foregoing rights in connection with Cabin House’s marketing, promotions, and portfolio and will properly credit Client in connection therewith. Client represents and warrants that Client has all necessary rights from those appearing in the photos and recordings, owns all rights in and to the photos and recordings, and Cabin House’s use of said photos and recordings will not violate any third party’s rights.